European Honey Buzzard

Pernis apivorus

Taxonomy Version: IOC 10.2
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Least Concern

British & Irish Rarity Status: Scarce

Taxonomy Ranking
Level Rank Scientific Name
  • European Honey Buzzard © Nature Guides

  • European Honey Buzzard - Britain © Paul Bateson

  • European Honey Buzzard - Shetland © Gordon McCall

  • European Honey Buzzard - Malta © Natalino Fenech

  • European Honey Buzzard - Cyprus © Mark Woodhead

  • European Honey Buzzard - Denmark © per schans christensen

  • European Honey Buzzard - Denmark © per schans christensen

Other Information

Despite its English name, this species is more closely related to kites of the genera Leptodon and Chondrohierax than to true buzzards in Buteo. The binomen is due to Linné. It is derived from Ancient Greek pernes περνης, a term used by Aristotle for a bird of prey, and Latin apivorus "bee-eating", from apis, "bee" and -vorus, "-eating". In fact, bees are much less important than wasps in the bird's diet.

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