A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia

Issue Media

Craig Robson
Bloomsbury Natural History
2nd (2014)

The definitive volume on the birdlife of South-East Asia.

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This is the definitive volume on the region's birdlife. This award-winning book, which was first published in 2000, was fully updated in 2008 to include 76 new species for the region that were recent discoveries for science, taxonomic 'splits' or had been recorded there for the first time. This comprehensive field guide to the birds of South-East Asia covers all of the 1 327 species recorded in the region and each has been fully illustrated. Please note that it does not contain distribution maps.

Compared to the 2000 edition, the reprint of this 2008 edition has many new artworks and 16 more colour plates, and the text has been meticulously updated to take in all the most recent information. The vast diversity of South-East Asian birdlife attracts increasing numbers of birdwatchers each year. Covering Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, Peninsular Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia, this unique and indispensable guide covers in detail the identification, voice, breeding, status, habitat and distribution of all the species and distinctive subspecies of the region.