
Wild Shetland


  • Wild Shetland: Through the Seasons by Brydon Thomason (Shetland Times, 2023). 
  • 288 pages, 177 colour photos.
  • ISBN: 9781910997567. Hbk, £36.99.

I thought I had a reasonable selection of images from Shetland on file, taken during my four memorable visits over the years. Then I opened this book and browsed through the pages … I now realise that I only have a few modest snaps!

Wild Shetland is full of stunning images – 177 in total, covering all aspects of the wildlife and scenery found in these beautiful islands. Split into four seasonal sections, it provides a fascinating insight into everything wild that is found across the isles, all photographed beautifully by the author, Brydon Thomason, with text accompanying the images. 

Born on Fetlar and now living on Unst, Brydon is Shetland through and through, and his love for the islands and their wildlife shines through on every single page.

I greatly enjoyed the little snippets of Shetland dialect in various pieces of poems and songs. "Niv cast a kloot, till da mont o May is oot" is just one example and, believe me, if you hear two Shetlanders talking together you will not understand them.

There are so many fantastic images that even picking a top 10 is too difficult, but just look at the aurora borealis (or 'mirrie dancers', to give the phenomenon its Shetland name), Orcas, double-page spread of a breeding plumage Red Knot flock, Eurasian Goshawk, otters through the seasons and, for the rarity lovers, a King Eider tucked in among a raft of Common Eider and the famous Tengmalm's Owl – the finding by non-birders of their "unken peerie owl" is a nice story. I looked at so many photos and thought 'I wish I'd taken that!'

As a photographer I would love to have read about how the photos were taken in more detail (a small section at the end gives some info), but this isn't a photographic handbook – it's more a pictorial celebration of the islands. The end product certainly does both Brydon and his beloved Shetland justice. 
It's made me want to make that journey north again. 

Written by: Steve Young