
Wind farm scrapped due to wintering wildfowl


A Danish offshore wind project has been scrapped due to the presence of important wildfowl populations in the area.

Back in 2020, the decision to temporarily halt the development was applauded by the Dansk Ornitologisk Forening (DOF BirdLife; Danish Ornithological Society), following concerns about the large and important populations of duck in the Småland waters between Zealand and Lolland.

Now, the plans have officially come to an end, with the height of the turbines deemed too tall, thus impacting birds that use the seas.

Common Eider winters in the Småland area in important numbers (Helen Whittaker).


Important waters

Knud Flensted, biologist at DOF BirdLife, said: "Both DOF BirdLife and researchers from Aarhus University believe that the waters of Småland are of international importance for diving ducks and other waterfowl. It should therefore be designated an International Bird Protection Area.

"DOF BirdLife supports wind energy in principle, but it is precisely in relation to the offshore wind farm Omø Syd that it is the location that is wrong. Of course, a wind farm should not be built in the middle of an important bird area. But wind turbines can be placed where they generate far less and we support this, for example in the North Sea."