
Red Sea/Rift Valley flyway gets website

The new BirdLife website has much information on all the large bird species that use the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway.
The new BirdLife website has much information on all the large bird species that use the Rift Valley/Red Sea flyway.
BirdLife's Migratory Soaring Birds project has announced the launch of a brand new website to keep birders up-to-date with conservation and migration in the region.

The website is designed to provide visitors with all the information about the project, and a subscription function is available for visitors to follow the site's updates and developments. This will allow interested parties to receive regular news posts and events notifications via email, Facebook or Twitter.

The Red Sea/Rift Valley flyway is the second most important in the world for soaring birds like raptors, storks and pelicans. More than 1.5 million birds use the route, among which are many rare and vulnerable species that are threatened by the activities of humans along the way.

The site particularly covers five targeted sectors and holds conservation guidance materials for agriculture, energy, hunting, tourism and waste management organisations wishing to develop land along the flyway. The website also includes much of interest to birders, including species information pages for all of the soaring bird species known to use the migration route, as well as further information on the host countries.

The Migratory Soaring Birds project aims to mainstream birds conservation into the strategies, management and activities of the sectors along the Rift Valley and Red Sea. The project is financed by GEF/UNDP and is executed by BirdLife International.