
Rare footage of Pufflings on Alderney

The Puffling can be seen here venturing out of its burrow for the first time.
The Puffling can be seen here venturing out of its burrow for the first time.

Pufflings are notoriously shy, and footage which captures the first long waddle out to sea by a fledgling chick is extremely rare. The team behind the unique LIVE project to stream 24-7 footage of the Puffins of Burhou, a small island one mile north-west of Alderney, has confirmed that this is definitely the first time footage has been captured in the region.

The magic moment as one of the colony’s Pufflings came out at night to start the fledgling march to the water’s edge can be viewed below:

A Puffling’s first moments outside of the burrow as it checked out its surroundings in daylight were also captured:

As was its hesitant journey to float off on the tide into open water and into its first flight:

LIVE, which was set up as a 12-week pilot project by Alderney Wildlife Trust and South East Grid for Learning (SEGfL), has brought the natural world into the classroom and given children and teachers a chance to glimpse the work of the scientists involved. The pilot attracted 10 Channel Island and 21 English schools, with pupils all able to speak to the experts and ask them questions. It was made possible by support from the States of Alderney, Sure (Guernsey) and ChannelTV. You can watch a live stream of the Puffin colony here.

Written by: Birdwatch news team