
Petition started to save suburban wildlife hot-spot in Aberdeen


A petition has been launched following the threat of development at a popular green space in Aberdeenshire.

Developers are proposing to build an industrial park at Balnagask Golf Course and Community Green Space, which is where the birding and cetacean watching hot-spot of Girdle Ness is situated. The petition states that there is 'plenty of land south of Nigg Bay but costs would be slightly higher than the cheap option of green space'.

Girdle Ness is a popular green space within the local community (David Robinson).

Girdle Ness is a popular seawatching and also attracts passerine migrants, including rarities, which are attracted by the gorse scrub that flanks the golf course.

The petition has already garnered more than 1,000 signatures. You can sign it here.