
Norfolk wetland project gets £210k boost


A new wetland at Roydon Common, which will be managed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT), has been given a £210,000 boost.

The money from the FCC Communities Foundation will be spent on the new Grimston Wetscapes project near King's Lynn. NWT will manage the site, which is part of Roydon Common and Tony Hallatt Memorial Reserve.

Black Darter is found in wet areas of Roydon Common (Andrew Malcolm).

Ash Murray, Norfolk Wildlife Trust's West Norfolk Reserves manager, said historically the sites would have formed part of a vast chain of wetlands, but due to drainage, afforestation and development, almost all of the peatlands have been lost.

Ash explained: "Over the last 20 years, we have worked hard to restore the heathland and wetland habitats of these precious sites. We've been thrilled to see so much rare and fascinating wildlife return – from incredible insect-eating plants and peat-forming mosses to rare fungi and an abundance of breeding wading birds.

"Our work will bring back to life wetlands that have been damaged by past pollution and climate change for the benefit of Norfolk's wildlife and people. In addition to helping to combat the impacts of climate change, we'll be providing thriving reservoirs of peatland species that can help to re-establish damaged peatlands elsewhere in west Norfolk."

The project will also support NWT to manage the ponies and cattle that graze the site to better benefit wildlife, as well as investing in new ways to survey how the wildlife across the area is faring.

The works are due to be completed in March 2025.