
New bursary scheme launched


The aim of the BOU's new Career Development Bursary Scheme is to support short-term research positions for young or early career ornithologists, between a first and higher degree programme or immediately after completion of a higher degree. Successful proposals will combine the development of skills useful for a future career in ornithology with a sound scientific research proposal. Awards will not be given to projects that form part of a degree programme, or for expeditions.

Awards of up to £2,500 will be provided to cover a period of career development lasting 6–10 weeks, during which a scientific research project will be conducted. The bursary award may include a weekly allowance for the participant and expenses. In exceptional circumstances, an award over this amount may be considered.

Applicants should have completed a first or higher degree within the previous two years. Further details, guidelines and an application form are available on the BOU website.

The BOU also has a long tradition of providing financial support for research and expeditions. It administers the David Lack and Landsborough Thomson Trusts, funded by bequests and donations, from which research grants are awarded annually to sponsor scientific and conservation projects.

Most of the BOU's support is in the form of small grants (max. £2,000, but usually awards of £1,000 are given), but the BOU does from time to time sponsor much larger projects — the BOU supported a 3-year project jointly with BirdLife International in Malaku, Indonesia, with a contribution of £48,000. The deadline for applications is 31 December for projects running from May the following year. Again more details can be found on the BOU website.

Details of other organisations providing funding for bird conservation and ornithological research can also now be found online at www.birdgrants.org.

Written by: BOU