
Fair Isle Bird Observatory rebuild moving forward


The rebuild of Fair Isle Bird Observatory (FIBO) is gathering pace, with recent completion of the roof and cladding.

The new building is now windproof and watertight, which was the target for this year, and the next stages of the rebuild will commence in 2024. This will include the completion of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing works together with the interiors.

 The new observatory building as of December 2023 (Fair Isle Bird Observatory).

These stages are expected to take several months, before the final phase of the rebuild can take place in what is planned to be late 2024. The previous building was destroyed by a fire in 2019.

FIBO has reiterated that it can not take bookings at the moment, but will do as soon as they have a confirmed reopening date.

In the meantime, the observatory is looking to employ two Assistant Wardens for 2024. Further details, including how to apply, can be found here.