
Committee membership changes


This summer sees several changes to the membership of BOURC, with Martin Collinson (University of Aberdeen) replacing Bob McGowan as Chairman (and elected member of BOU Council) and James Gilroy (Norfolk) replacing Martin as an ordinary member.

Steve Dudley, BOU spokesperson, commented: "These appointments maintain the BOURC's high standards of membership. Martin Collinson has established himself as a key member of the Committee since his appointment in 2002. He has a wealth of knowledge and skills as a geneticist at the University of Aberdeen, and as an editorial board member of British Birds since 1998. He is also an Associate Editor of the BOU's journal, Ibis, and has authored many publications in the popular and scientific press, in particular on the subjects of taxonomy of Western Palearctic birds, and rarity recording in modern and historical times. These include one of the papers that refuted the supposed rediscovery of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker in Arkansas. His appointment to Chairman reflects the high regard with which BOURC members hold him."

"James Gilroy has had a lifelong interest in bird migration and movement patterns, and has devoted much time to trying to understand the causes of avian vagrancy. He has co-authored several papers on vagrancy mechanisms which many birders will be familiar with (e.g. Gilroy & Lees. 2003. British Birds 96 (9): 427–438) and recently contributed to Russell Slack's Rare Birds: Where and When books. His research studies have been varied and he is currently conducting research on the conservation of the endangered Cape Sable Seaside Sparrow for Rutgers University in the US."

"The BOU is very grateful to the outgoing Chairman Bob McGowan. Bob chaired the Committee faultlessly over the last four years and his commitment to the work of the Committee was outstanding. Bob has agreed to remain involved with BOURC as our specialist museum consultant."

Written by: BOURC