
Chris Packham sacked by raptor charity for becoming 'too political'


Chris Packham has been sacked by a bird of prey charity for becoming "too political", according to reports.

The popular conservationist was let go by Raptor Rescue because his environmental campaigns were said to be "splitting" its membership. The charity's chair Malcolm Robbins said some members didn't like the "political side" of Mr Packham's activities and it couldn't support his advice on breaking the law for environmental reasons.

Raptor Rescue's chairman said some members didn't like the 'political side' of Packham's activities (PA).

"He was a patron, but we hadn't heard from him in a long time, he hadn't done anything for the charity, and we couldn't contact him," Robbins told the Daily Telegraph.

"The other reason we decided to remove him was he started to get more and more political in his views and that didn't sit well with our members either."

Mr Packham had been involved in Raptor Rescue since the early 1990s.