
Review of the Week: 11th-16th August 2005


A quiet week produced little new. Seawatchers picked out several Fea's Petrels, one past Filey Brigg (N. Yorks) on the evening of Thursday 11th, and another reported past Brandon Head in Co. Kerry on Saturday 13th. That or another bird was seen later the same evening past Bridges of Ross in Co. Clare, with another sighting from the same site the following afternoon. Wilson's Storm-Petrels were seen from pelagic trips to the south of the Scilly Isles, and from Brandon Head and Bridges of Ross in the southwest of Ireland. Small numbers of Cory's Shearwaters were reported in comparison with last week, and a few Great Shearwaters were noted from western headlands.

Sooty Tern: Skerries, Dublin. (Photo: Paul and Andrea Kelly)

The Sooty Tern reappeared again after a week's absence, again at Skerries, north of Dublin. This bird has wandered back and forth across the Irish Sea since early July. A summary of its known movements to date is as follows:

  • 5th-10th July: various sites on Anglesey
  • 12th July: Skerries, Co. Dublin
  • 12th-13th July: back on Anglesey
  • 18th-26th July: again on Anglesey (mostly at Cemlyn Bay)
  • 3rd-6th August: around Groomsport in Northern Ireland
  • 7th-8th August: back at Skerries, Co. Dublin
  • 15th August: again at Skerries, Co. Dublin
Sabine's Gull: Seafield, Edinburgh. (Photo: Mark Wilkinson) Sabine's Gull: Seafield, Edinburgh. (Photo: Mark Wilkinson)

A White-winged Black Tern present from Sunday 14th to the evening of Monday 15th at Dun's Dish (Angus) had apparently departed by the following morning. A probable Caspian Tern was reported over the beach at Titchfield Haven (Hants) on Thursday 11th. The Laughing Gull at Echna Loch, Burray (Orkney) was last reported on Friday 12th. An adult Sabine's Gull visited Seafield, Edinburgh (Lothian) over the weekend, and others were seen at Filey (N. Yorks), and at Fife Ness and Kinghorn in Fife. The Otterspool (Lancs) first-summer Ring-billed Gull continued its stay to 16th at least; an adult was reported twice during the week on the Isle of Dogs (London) and another first-summer was at Black Rock Strand (Co. Kerry) on Thursday 11th.

White-rumped Sandpiper: Cley, Norfolk. (Photo: Gavin Horsley)

A Baird's Sandpiper was seen in a private area of Slimbridge Wetland Centre (Glos) on Thursday 11th, but hastily arranged guided walks later that afternoon and the following day failed to relocate it. An adult White-rumped Sandpiper was at Cley (Norfolk) on Friday 12th (at the same time as a Temminck's Stint), and another adult White-rumped Sandpiper was at Poulnasherry Bay (Co. Clare) on Tuesday 16th. One of the two Long-billed Dowitchers was seen again at Shannon Airport lagoons (Co. Clare) on Saturday 13th after a week without any reports. Lesser Yellowlegs were seen on South Uist (Outer Hebrides) on Saturday 13th, at Doonbeg (Co. Clare) on Monday 15th, and on the Rogerstown Estuary (Co. Dublin) on Tuesday 16th. Cumbria boasted both Pacific and American Golden Plover during the week: a Pacific Golden Plover was reported from Campfield Marsh on Thursday 11th and later relocated at Drumburgh Moss NNR on 12th but not since, and an American Golden Plover was seen on the River Wampool near Anthorn on Sunday 14th.

Spotted Crake: Inner Marsh Farm, Cheshire. (Photo: Julie Rogers)
Great White Egret: Blashford Lakes HWT, Hants. (Photo: Aidan Brown) Great White Egret: Blashford Lakes HWT, Hants. (Photo: Aidan Brown)
Cattle Egret: Brampton, Cambs. (Photo: Steve Evans) Purple Heron: Doxey Marshes, Staffs. (Photo: Dave Kelsall)

Single Spotted Crakes were at Inner Marsh Farm (Cheshire), Ambaston GPs (Derbys) and Marton Mere (Lancs). A Black Stork was reported over Hulver Street (Suffolk) on Saturday 13th, but not relocated. The Cattle Egret in Cambridgeshire was still present to 16th at least; others were at Nanzijal and Porthgwarra (possibly the same bird) in Cornwall on Friday 12th, at Bowling Green Marsh (Devon) briefly on Tuesday 16th, and over Loireston Loch (Aberdeenshire) on Sunday 14th. The colour-ringed Great White Egret at Blashford Lakes (Hants) was last reported on Monday 15th, and other reports came from Skerries (Dublin) and the National Wetlands Centre (Carmarthen), both on Tuesday 16th. A juvenile Purple Heron appeared at Doxey Marshes (Staffs) on Sunday 14th and was present to Tuesday 16th at least.

Greenish Warbler: Norwick, Shetland. (Photo: Micky Maher) Rose-coloured Starling: Kilnsea, E. Yorks. (Photo: Vince Garvey)

A Booted Warbler was on the Farnes (Northumbs) on Wednesday 16th. An adult Greenish Warbler was present on Unst (Shetland) from Saturday 13th to Monday 15th, and was ringed and photographed on the Sunday. The Icterine Warbler on St. Mary's (Scilly) remained to Friday 12th and a Melodious Warbler was on Skomer (Pembrokeshire) on Monday 15th. The first Barred Warbler of the autumn was on Fair Isle on Sunday 14th. An adult Rose-coloured Starling at Kilnsea (E Yorks) was popular with visitors, but a reported adult near Loch of Strathbeg (Aberdeenshire) turned out to be a partially albino Starling. A Bee-eater was heard over Nanzijal (Cornwall) on Friday 12th, and a Serin was singing on Hayling Island (Hants) on Thursday 11th.

A ringtail Montagu's Harrier was in the Kilnsea (E. Yorks) area on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th, with another seen at Tacumshin (Wexford) on Sunday 14th. Honey Buzzards were reported from Northumberland, Norfolk, Bedfordshire, South Yorkshire and Gloucestershire.

Ruddy Shelduck: Cley, Norfolk. (Photo: Marc Read) Ruddy Shelduck: Old Moor RSPB, S. Yorks. (Photo: Keith Pickering)

The eclipse drake King Eider remained off the west coast of Shetland to 12th at least. The drake Ferruginous Duck was still at Fen Drayton (Cambs) on Tuesday 16th and the long-staying Ring-necked Ducks remained at Barrow Gurney (Somerset) and on the Great Pool on Tresco (Scilly). The influx of Ruddy Shelducks continues, with birds reported in Buckinghamshire, Kent, Lancashire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk, Oxfordshire, South Yorkshire and Warwickshire.

Swallow: Kislingbury, Northants. (Photo: Richard Bedford) Black-necked Grebe: Fen Drayton, Cambs. (Photo: David H. Hatton)
Pectoral Sandpiper: Titchwell, Norfolk. (Photo: Mr G M Clarke) Merlin: East Chevington, Northumbs. (Photo: Alan Gilbertson)
Green Sandpiper: Slimbridge, Glos. (Photo: Paul Bowerman) Common Sandpiper: Slimbridge, Glos. (Photo: Paul Bowerman)
Short-eared Owl: Summer Leys, Northants. (Photo: Richard Bedford) Kingfisher: Spital, Cheshire. (Photo: Steve Round)
Many of the images that appear in our weekly reviews can be purchased from the photographers, some of whom have their own websites:

Bill Aspin: http://www.eastlancashirebirding.net
Ian Barnard: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/sussex.birder
Bill Baston: http://billbaston.com
Steve Blain: http://www.steveblain.co.uk
Nigel Blake: http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/birdphotos/index.htm
Paul Boulden: http://southdevonbirds.mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/
Will Bowell: http://www.wanderingbirders.com
Paul Bowerman: http://mysite.freeserve.com/severnsidebirds
Paul Bowyer: http://www.ukbirds.net
Andy Brett: http://www.freewebs.com/andybrett/
Martin Cade: http://www.portlandbirdobs.btinternet.co.uk
Graham Catley: http://pewit.blogspot.com/
Mark Caunt: http://angusbirding.homestead.com/
Kit Day: http://www.kitday-uk.com/
Eric Dempsey: http://www.birdsireland.com/
Lee Dingain: http://www.leedingain.co.uk
Jon Dunn: http://www.surfbirds.com/blogs/Stercorarius/
Andrew Easton: http://home.clara.net/ammodytes/
Graham Eaton: http://www.eatonphotography.co.uk
Steve Evans: http://www.powow.com/birds2004/
Katie Fuller: http://bogbumper.blogspot.com
Sean Gray: http://www.grayimages.co.uk
Peter Hadfield: http://www.manxbirdphotography.co.uk
Josh Jones: http://www.wanderingbirders.com
John Judge: http://www.draycotebirding.co.uk
Paul and Andrea Kelly: http://www.irishbirdimages.com/
Jack Levene: http://www.birdingimages.com
John Malloy: http://mysite.freeserve.com/JohnMalloyBirdPhotos
Brian Mcgeough: http://www.pbase.com/bmcgeough/british_birds
Tony Mills: http://www.notjustbirds.com
Jerry O'Brien: http://www.BirdsofBerkshire.co.uk
Charlie Moores: http://www.charliesbirdblog.com
Mark Newsome: http://www.whitburnbirding.co.uk
James Packer: http://www.somersetbirder.co.uk
Mike Pennington: http://www.nature.shetland.co.uk
Marc Read: http://www.marcread-pix.com
Tristan Reid: http://www.solwaybirder.org.uk
Steve Round: http://stevenround-birdphotography.com
Deryk Shaw/FIBO: http://www.fairislebirdobs.co.uk
Tom Shevlin: http://wildlifesnaps.com/
Matt Slaymaker: http://www.freewebs.com/slaymaker
Oliver Smart: http://www.smartimages.co.uk
George Spraggs: http://www.bird-watching.co.uk
Glen Tepke: http://www.pbase.com/gtepke
Phillip Tomkinson: http://www.philliptomkinson.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
Stephen Tomlinson: http://www.digitalbirds.co.uk
Sue Tranter: http://www.suesbirdphotos.co.uk/
Steve Williams: http://www.hilbrebirdobs.co.uk
Simon Wilson: http://www.bakewellbirder.co.uk/
Chris Wormwell: http://www.iombirding.co.uk
Dylan Wrathall: http://www.planetthanet.org
Written by: Dave Dunford