
Photo of the Week: 13-19 February


Northern Goshawk by Andy Butler


We don't get too many chances to take quality images of flying Northern Goshawks here in Britain and when you do, you have to grab it with both hands. That's exactly what Andy Butler has done with this terrific image of a second-calendar-year bird as swiftly passes by.

This is an excellent capture, showing off fantastic plumage detail. The streaked breast and warmth to the underparts identify it as a young bird – and if you've read Andy Stoddart's excellent Accipiter photo ID guide, you'll recognise that the streaking and the drop-shaped markings across the underparts are enough to separate it from a similar-aged Eurasian Sparrowhawk, as well as the overall bulk of the bird. The exposure and sharpness are both spot on and the plain, pale background focuses all attention on the bird.

This was a very late post on Tuesday evening so not too many of our viewers will have seen it yet, but when they do I'm sure will agree that this is a very worthy winner. Congratulations to Andy on his winning image, taken with a 500 mm lens plus a 2x converter, shooting at 1/1600th second.


Other notable images


Northern Shoveler, Lurgan, Armagh (James O'Neill).

Common Kestrel, Kingsdown, Kent (Stephen Ray).

Hen Harrier, undisclosed site, Gloucestershire (David Soons).

Northern Goshawk, Brecon Beacons, Powys (Mike Warburton).

Dipper, Bodnant, Conwy (Bob Garrett).

Eurasian Treecreeper, Hollesley Marshes RSPB, Suffolk (John Richardson).

Dartford Warbler, undisclosed site Suffolk, Britain (Nick Appleton).

Mandarin Duck, Balloch, Highland (Catherine Cochrane).

Red-breasted Merganser, Methil, Fife (Harry Bell).

Common Kingfisher, Willington GPs, Derbyshire (George Ewart).

Common Redshank, Hengistbury Head, Dorset (Joe).

Reed Bunting, Howdon Wetland NR (Permit Only), Northumberland (Colin Bradshaw).

Chaffinch, Greylake RSPB, Somerset & Bristol (Carl Bovis).

Brambling, Green Moor, South Yorkshire (Peter Garrity).

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, undisclosed site, Devon (Charlie Fleming).

Mourning Wheatear, Cape Drepanum, Cyprus (Matthew Smith).

Eurasian Skylark, Sandwich Bay, Kent (Steven Ashton).

Short-eared Owl, Tealham Moor, Somerset & Bristol (Jeff Hazell).

Written by: Steve Young