
Kingsyard hummingbird feeders



For those of us lucky enough to live in a region that also hosts hummingbirds, watching them at close quarters is one of biggest birding highlights.

Fortunately, many species in this exciting family are readily attracted to, and make full use of special hummingbird feeders. Positioning feeders close to a window or porch and filling it with a tempting sugar solution can bring these avian gems to within touching distance. For birders, photographers and amateur naturalists, they provide hours of enjoyment for us, and a reliable source of food and energy for the birds. 

Kingsyard have been making stylish and practical feeders since 2012, with an emphasis on fun and learning. A varied range of different hanging designs are available and come in a wide range of colours. Varying in size, weight and capacity, each model is a slightly different but elegant in shape, easy to refill and clean and they come with a wide mouth bottle, with a simple assembly and disassembly for maintenance and refilling. Once filled, they can be simply flipped over and hung from a tree, deck hook or shepherd's hook. Once found, they are likely to be appreciated by several hummingbird species, including Rufous, Anna's, Black-chinned and Ruby-throated and they have six feeding ports to allow multiple hummingbirds access at the same time. Tightly sealed leak-proof bases prevent spillage and an ant moat prevents these from causing a nuisance. 

A 16 oz capacity window feeder with four feeding ports will attract hummingbirds to within the distance of a window pane away, allowing for unrivalled viewing from the comfort of home. This model too, is easy to install and maintain and will provide hours of entertainment and study of these fascinating birds. 

To see the full range of these elegant Kingsyard feeders, visit: www.kingsyard.com/hummingbird-feeder