

Taxonomy Version: IOC 10.2
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Cuckoos are famous as brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other species, but in fact the majority of cuckoo species raise their own young. They have zygodactyl feet (two toes forward, two back) and the sexes are generally similar. The family is large and varied but most are insectivorous, though some of the larger species will take lizards and small rodents. Some, such as the roadrunners, are terrestrial, and most have long tails. The Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a familiar though declining summer migrant in the British Isles and Ireland and features prominently in folklore.

  • Common Cuckoo - Hertfordshire © Keith Chapman

  • Common Cuckoo - Suffolk © Bill Plumb

  • Common Cuckoo - Essex © Mark Bicknell

  • Common Cuckoo - Essex © Mark Bicknell

  • Common Cuckoo - Britain © Tim Melling

  • Common Cuckoo - Britain © Mark Leitch

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