
First Flamborough Seawatch Festival to take place from 28 August


Flamborough Bird Observatory (FBO) is set to host the inaugural Flamborough Seawatch Festival over the weekend of 28-30 August.

Flamborough Head is internationally recognised for its breath-taking landscape and breeding seabirds, while is also renowned for its status as a hot-spot for observing migrating seabirds – especially in late summer and autumn, when there is a distinct possibility of seeing passing skuas, shearwaters and terns from the purpose-built Seawatch Observatory.

The three-day event is based at the Seawatch Observatory and includes daily guided seawatches from 7-10 am and 4-7 pm, which aim to connect with migrating seabirds and possibly cetaceans. A 'sealwatch' will also be manned daily between 2 pm and 5 pm, with manned telescopes trained on the headland's loafing seals.

Flamborough Head is arguably the premier North Sea seawatching locality in Britain (Paul Glazzard / geograph.org).

While the Festival focuses on our marine wildlife, there will also be daily walks to look for migrant landbirds between 10 am and 12.30 pm. Places are limited on these and you are asked to book in advance by emailing info@flamboroughbirdobs.org.uk stating your preferred day.

On the Saturday evening, FBO Chairman Craig Thomas will host an online talk entitled 'Flamborough Seawatching'. A link to join will be available via the Seawatch Festival webpage.

From 8 pm on Sunday evening, FBO will be running a moth trapping session at South Landing, with a storm petrel ringing session also scheduled to take place. Booking is not required.

All activities are free and all are welcome. The information hub will run from the Seawatch Observatory. To reach the Observatory, park at Flamborough Lighthouse car park. With the lighthouse on your left, walk down the private road towards the Fog Station (the white buildings on the cliff edge). The Seawatch Observatory is the wooden building on the right hand side of the Fog Station compound.