Birds in Norfolk: a National and International Perspective

Issue Media

Andy Brown and James McCallum
Lamgford Press
1st (2010)

This book on Norfolk looks at the importance of the area, past and present, from both a national and international perspective.

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Birds in Norfolk is a celebration of Norfolk’s birdlife. It is written by Andy Brown and includes 115 watercolour paintings and numerous watercolour sketches by James McCallum, all done in the field. Norfolk is famed as the best county in Britain for year round birdwatching and has a long history of bird recording. This book looks at the importance of the area, past and present, from both a national and international perspective. Some of the county’s most famous habitats, such as the North Norfolk Marshes, Breckland and Broadland are looked at in detail. There are chapters devoted to the county’s specialist species such as breeding waders, harriers, wintering waterfowl, waders and passerines. The list of bird species recorded in Norfolk is enviable and some of the rare visitors and spectacular ‘falls’ of common migrant birds also feature. Concise picture captions have been written by the artist detailing date, location, weather and relevant behaviour.