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Bolam Lake Northumberland

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Image supplied by Olive Taylor
Olive Taylor

Site Location Details

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Site Details

Part of a 19th-century estate in the care of Northumberland County Council since 1972. A variety of woodland habitats around a 25-acre lake. It is a natural haven for many birds due to its location in the agricultural heartland of southeast Northumberland. It is important for common breeding birds but for birdwatchers is at its best during hard weather. Interesting duck occur but it is the wintering passerines that are the main attraction: 6 species of tit, Brambling, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Siskin, Redpoll, Redwing and Fieldfare with Crossbill, Waxwing and Hawfinch possible. The Park is also reliable for Green Woodpecker. There is still a small Red Squirrel population.

Birding Sites in the Bolam Lake Area

Additional Site Details


The Park is 3 miles from Belsay on a minor road off the main road to Jedburgh (A696). It is clearly signposted from Belsay village.


Unrestricted. The car parks and facilities are currently closed at 17:00. THE PARK IS VERY POPULAR WITH VISITORS IN SPRING AND SUMMER AND AT WEEKENDS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR.


There are 3 well-signed car parks - £1 all day.


There is a Visitors Centre with toilet facilities at the main car park. There are also facilities for the disabled. Display boards at all 3 car parks give general information and details of waymarked walks.

Key Areas / Routes

a. The bird feeding station at the main car park; b. the designated wildlife sanctuary, the western part of the lake; c. the damp carr with birch and alder, viewed from a raised boardwalk; d. Pheasant Field (when the Park is quiet); e. the mature stands of beech, yew, scots pine and more recent plantings.

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The BirdGuides Team.

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