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Beal Carrs North Yorkshire

Site Location Details

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Site Details

Area of flooded agricultural land alongside River Aire between the villages of Beal and Kellington. Has existed for c. 2 years and arises from mining subsidence. Land is still private and access is limited.


Beal Carrs
John Wint 9 Yew Tree Park Whitley Goole DN14 0NZ

Contact Details

Telephone: 01977 662826


Birding Sites in the Beal Carrs Area

Additional Site Details


Can be reached from M62 J34, or from A1 via Knottingley and from A19 through Kellington village along road opposite Eggborough Power Station.


Essentially still private land. There is a public footpath to north of site through a farm at east end of Beal village and there is a farm track down towards water area from lane leading to Kellington. Access as far as bottom of this track is OK but access to water's edge is discouraged.


Virtually none except on-road and farmers do not like access to their fields to be blocked.

Opening Times

Any time


None - a few bushes to 'P' behind!

Key Areas / Routes

One only - the whole site which is c25ha of water at present, reducing to between 10 and 15ha in drier weather.

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