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Severn Beach Avon

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Iberian Chiffchaff
Glossy Ibis
Black Kite
Alpine Swift
Ring-necked Duck
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The Old Severn Crossing from the Pomarine Skua twitch
Fiona Barclay
The Old Severn Crossing from the Pomarine Skua twitch

Site Location Details

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Site Details

Severn Beach is situated just south of the Second Severn Crossing. The area is easily viewed from the seawall/Severn Way footpath. Visits near the high-tide period are best.
There are also some small pools in Severn Beach, a recent addition. Local birders unofficially call them the "Orchard Pools", but they do not appear on older OS maps. The grid reference is ST543838. The pools are on land owned by Astra-Zeneca, formerly ICI. Although strictly not public many local residents, dog walkers etc. walk around them.

Birding Sites in the Severn Beach Area

Prominent Species at Severn Beach

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Access to Severn Beach is from the A403 Avonmouth to Aust coast road.
Access to the Orchard Pools is directly opposite the first turning into Severn Beach (a small lane), coming from the Avonmouth direction. After approx. 70 yards the first pool is viewable on the right. The second pool is only viewable by walking past the first, as it is obscured by the far bank.

Railway station with link to Bristol Monday-Saturday.


There do not appear to be any restrictions regarding access to the site.




Public toilets, shop, bakery and cafe in Severn Beach.

Key Areas / Routes

Coastal scrub south of Severn Beach along the Severn Way attracts migrants in spring and autumn.
The shingle " beach" has produced Broad-billed Sandpiper, 3 White-rumped Sandpipers, Terek Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpipers and Temminck's Stint amongst the spring and autumn wader roosts, despite the high level of disturbance.
Seawatching during west or southwest gales produces Leach's Petrel and Storm Petrel each year as well as Pomarine, Great and Arctic Skuas, Fulmars, Gannets and Manx Shearwaters. Rarities have included Cory's and Sooty Shearwater, Sabine's Gull, etc.

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