Britain's Orchids

Issue Media

David Lang
Princeton University Press
1st (2004)
Other Info:
WildGuides series

This stunning photographic guide covers the identification and ecology of all 51 species of wild orchid native to Britain and Ireland, and a further nine species of uncertain provenance.

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This stunning photographic guide by David Lang covers the identification and ecology of all 51 species of wild orchid native to Britain and Ireland, and a further nine species of uncertain provenance.

Over 60 orchid profiles include information on key features to aid identification, their flowering and germination times and indicate the differences between similar species and sub-species. Colour distribution maps show where they have been seen in the last 25 years while the accompanying text makes clear the current position.

Other sections of the book cover orchid habitats, germination and growth, reproduction and pollination, hybridisation, conservation in action, and observing and photographing orchids.

The easy-to-use format is designed for use in the field and aims to help the botanist, whether they are a beginner or an expert, to identify with confidence the orchids they encounter.