Birds of New Zealand: A Photographic Guide

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Paul Scofield and Brent Stephenson
Yale University Press (John Wiley & Sons Ltd)

The book includes expert and up-to-date information on the 345 bird species found in New Zealand.

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New Zealand's birdlife developed extraordinary diversity as a consequence of evolving on isolated islands without mammalian predators. For many years, habitat destruction brought on by humans posed a distinct threat to the wide variety of birdlife, but thanks to recent conservation efforts, many of the country's species of birds are now protected in parks and island sanctuaries.

Illustrated with nearly 1000 new photographs from one of New Zealand's top nature photographers and drawing on the latest information from birders and biologists, Birds of New Zealand offers a definitive introduction to the identification and behaviour of the country's extraordinary avian life. The book includes expert and up-to-date information on the 345 bird species found in New Zealand, including species ranging from albatrosses and shearwaters to kiwi and kakapo.

Paul Scofield is senior curator of natural history at Canterbury Museum in Christchurch, New Zealand. His scientific work specialises in the taxonomy and evolution of Australasian birds, the palaeobiology of New Zealand birds and the biology of albatrosses and petrels. He has written more than 100 scientific papers and contributed to several books.

Brent Stephenson spends considerable time travelling the world as a birding guide and photographer, amassing a stunning portfolio of images. Most notably, in 2003 his photographs identified the New Zealand storm petrel - a species believed extinct for more than 150 years.