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Upton Warren NR Worcestershire

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Moors Pool, taken from West Hide.
Andy Payne
Moors Pool, taken from West Hide.

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Site Details

A Worcestershire Wildlife Trust (WWT) reserve of some 60 acres midway between Bromsgrove and Droitwich. Consists of two parts, the Moors Pool to the north of the River Salwarpe and the Flash Pools to the south. The Moors Pool is largest and deepest with a good margin of sedge and rush and is best for wildfowl. The Flash Pools result from subsidence following underground salt extraction and have a natural salinity. The expanse of mud created is attractive to waders. Non-members could expect to pay a £3 entrance fee (from 2010).

Birding Sites in the Upton Warren NR Area

Prominent Species at Upton Warren NR

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The reserve lies to the east of the A38 Birmingham to Worcester road, midway between Bromsgrove and Droitwich. For the Moors Pool turn off the A38 by an advertising board for 'Lifestyle' poultry sheds at the entrance to a tarmac track, called 'Lakeside Court'. 450m north of the Swan Inn, the track leads to a small car park on the left hand side. For the Flash Pools parking is available at certain times within the sailing centre courtesy of the County Council. The sailing centre is opposite Webb's Garden Centre.


The reserve is owned by the WWT and access is restricted to members only. Non-members must obtain a permit from the sailing centre or if no-one is in there then keep an eye out for the wardens. Remember: all money obtained goes towards the upkeep of the reserve.


In the sailing centre car park for the Flashes or in the car park on the left as you come down the track to the moors.

Opening Times

Any reasonable time.


Three hides at the Flashes and three at the Moors; also feeding stations and both sides of the reserve.

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