Free trial membership No credit card required, no commitment

free rare bird alerts

Why sign up?

  •  The latest sightings – FREE for 30 days
  • Receive instant news through our website and app
  • The best way to try our premium services
  • Try our interactive map
  • Explore our archive of historical British & Irish rarity records

Please note, to continue receiving the benefits of membership a paid subscription will be required after your trial period ends. This free trial is subject to our standard terms of use and privacy policies


Start Your Free Trial Today!

Please note, to continue receiving the benefits of membership a paid subscription will be required after your trial period ends.

Our Free Trial Membership is subject to our standard terms of use and privacy policies.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Receive instant bird news for 30 days
  • Access our interactive bird map to see all the latest rarities and their exact locations 
  • Keep your favourite list online
  • After your 30-day trial, you can decide if you would like to take up one of our fantastic subscription offers. Payment will be required to continue accessing subscriber services once the trial period is over.

How does the trial work?

  • Step 1: Create an account with a valid email, phone number and address
  • Step 2: Confirm your details and validate your phone number
  • Step 3: Your trial will commence once validated

How will I know once the free trial is over?

A message will appear above our website navigation to remind you how many days of the free trial you have left. You must be logged in to see this. 

You will also receive emails from us providing you with helpful information on how you can get the most out of your free trial. These emails will confirm how many days of the free trial are left.

Once your free trial is over, if you haven’t taken up one of our fantastic subscription deals then we will email you approximately seven days later to remind you.

What details do you need and why?

Your name, address and phone number are required when you subscribe to our service, so requesting them at the start of the free trial means we don’t need to ask you again once the trial is over.

  • Your phone number is required should you wish to opt in for our Text Alerts service to get bird news sent directly to your mobile.
  • Your email is needed for logging into your account, validating your details and accessing the service. We will also send to you helpful information via email to ensure that you get the most out of your free trial.
  • We need your name and address for billing purposes.
  • You can also opt in to receive updates and offers from BirdGuides and Birdwatch magazine. 
  • By registering an account with us you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions of Use.

Anything else I should know?

Yes – free trials are only available to new customers. Once you have purchased one of our subscription packages you will no longer be able to access our free trial service. Trials are non-transferrable and subject to our website Terms and Conditions of Use. 

Questions? Call us on 020 8826 0934

Start Your Free Trial Today!