
Regional round-up: June 2022


Weather conditions proved fairly settled throughout June, with warm temperatures commonplace and only broken up by the occasional rain shower. A productive midsummer period, however, provided birders with plenty of reason to get out and about during June.

Although this year's arrival of Rosy Starlings so far hasn't approached the heady heights of the influxes enjoyed in 2018, 2020 and 2021, a respectable total was enjoyed, with birds at no fewer than 54 locations. While the month began with a plethora of pink, it ended with scores of shearwaters. Several sites in the South-West Approaches manged high Cory's Shearwater counts, including an outstanding count of 617 off Galley Head, Co Cork, on 28th.

Rosy Starling, Kilnsea, East Yorkshire (John Hewitt).


Scottish mainland

An apparent Rough-legged Buzzard spent the month on Mull; an immature was first reported at Lochdon on 14th and hazy pictures appeared to show this species over Croggan on 24th – a great May record. More seasonal affair came in the form of a female Red-footed Falcon over Crathie, Aberdeenshire, on 5th. An intriguing record of an adult Long-tailed Skua came from moorland near Newtonmore, Highland, on 11th.

American Wigeon, Skinflats Lagoons, Forth (Lukasz Pulawski).

White-billed Divers were reported off Lothbeg Point, Highland, on 1st and Embo, Highland, on 19th. A probable Cory's Shearwater was logged south-east past Tarbat Ness, Highland, on 18th. Loch of Strathbeg RSPB, Aberdeenshire, brought a Mediterranean feel to the north-east, with two each of Glossy Ibis and Eurasian Spoonbill reported mid-month. A Temminck's Stint graced Balgray Reservoir, Clyde, on 30th – the first in the county since 2004. Earlier in the month, Clyde's first Lesser Yellowlegs was just the other side of Glasgow at Frankfield Loch on 4th. Some Yank ducks remained on offer, the Glasgow Ring-necked Duck lingered until 4th, while a drake American Wigeon was new-in at Skinflats Lagoons, Forth, on 5th as was a drake Green-winged Teal at Loch Shin, Highland. 

The Ross of Mull hosted a Golden Oriole on 2nd only and a Hoopoe was in a private garden at Oban, Argyll, on 11th. Argyll scored a county first on 6th with a singing male European Serin at Keil Point, although it sadly proved to be a one-day bird. A singing Greenish Warbler was also in the county on 16th, at a private woodland near Dunoon.

Rosy Starling, undisclosed site, Moray & Nairn (Keith Mallett).

The Isle of May had a good run early in the month, with an Icterine Warbler on 8th, male Red-backed Shrike on 10th with a female on 9th. A male Red-spotted Bluethroat was holding territory on 8-9th. Nine Rosy Starlings were logged through the month and typically with a westerly bias, but all reports were of single birds.

Dan Owen


Northern Isles and the Hebrides

Classic late spring dregs continued into June with Icterine and Marsh Warblers, plus Common Rosefinch proving most numerous. Less pronounced than in recent years but there was a small arrival of Rosy Starlings through the month, with three birds between four sites. Single Golden Orioles were at Toab, Mainland, on 4th and Out Skerries on 7th and Red-backed Shrikes were split between Out Skerries, Skaw, Whalsay and Valyie, Unst. Meanwhile, a Red-breasted Flycatcher was at Skaw, Unst, on 9th, when a singing Greenish Warbler was performing at Halligarth, Unst.

Red-backed Shrike, Valyie, Unst, Shetland (Dante Shepherd).

A Temminck's Stint was a one-day bird at Pool of Virkie, Mainland, on 1st. European Honey Buzzard reports came from five localities between 12-18th. Relics of the winter included White-billed Divers off Lerwick, Mainland, between 7-15th and one off Challister, Whalsay, on 9th. A drake Green-winged Teal frequented Loch of Tingwall, Mainland, between 9-21st.

Common Quail, Baltasound, Unst, Shetland (Robbie Brookes).

Fair Isle had a respectable month of drift migrants and last month's European Serin lingered until 2nd. A Red-rumped Swallow was present on the island between 5-6th, otherwise it was more expected fare: Marsh and Icterine Warblers, Red-backed Shrike, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Common Rosefinch and Bluethroat all featured on multiple days. A tidy adult Little Gull was mingling with the resident Kittiwakes on 14th.

Bluethroat, Fair Isle, Shetland (Georgia Platt).

Orkney had a relatively quiet month. Two Rosy Starlings were reported, one on Papa Westray on 14th and another at Herston, South Ronaldsay, on 18th. A Golden Oriole was trapped and ringed at Queenamidda, Mainland, on 9th and a European Honey Buzzard overflew Brough of Birsay, Mainland, on 26th. The month ended with a pristine adult female Grey Phalarope at an undisclosed Orcadian site.

European Honey Buzzard, Brough of Birsay, Mainland, Orkney (John Henderson).

North Ronaldsay's roll call had a classic June feel. Marsh Warblers opened the month, with a scattering of passage waders noted: Curlew Sandpiper on 2nd, two Little Stints on 5th, Spotted Redshank on 8th and Red-necked Phalarope on 21-22nd. At least one Red-rumped Swallow put in regular appearances between 8th and 22nd and a European Turtle Dove was on the island on 30th. A Great Shearwater was logged south on 29th.

Grey Phalarope, undisclosed site, Orkney (David @theHALLofEINAR).

On the Outer Hebrides, the first-summer Ring-billed Gull lingered at Stinky Bay, Benbecula, until 12th. A flurry of European Bee-eater records came on 3-4th, with one at Kyles Paible and Balranald RSPB, North Uist, on 3rd, when one was at Nasg, Barra. One then flew south at Rubha Ardvule, South Uist, on 4th. A Rosy Starling was at Eoropie, Lewis, on 24th. A Blyth's Reed Warbler was singing at Castlebay, Barra, on 9th and St Kilda hosted a Marsh Warbler on 5th. Female-type Common Rosefinches were at Kyles Paible, North Uist, on 2nd and Brevig, Barra, on 7th.

Dan Owen


North-East England

The American Black Tern remained a reliable visitor to the Long Nanny tern colony throughout the month and was Northumberland's rarest visitor. Another notable vagrant saw a Rosy Starling head north-west over Budle Bay on 11th; a possible Little Swift flew over Seahouses on 1st.

American Black Tern, Long Nanny, Northumberland (Jonathan Farooqi).

A young male Common Rosefinch sang at Embelton Quarry on 2nd, while a Red-backed Shrike was present on Holy Island on 4-5th. A Bluethroat was reported on the coastal path at Howick on 23rd; at Druridge Pools, a Pectoral Sandpiper was present on 8th. An unseasonal Glaucous Gull was mobile between Long Nanny, Seahouses and Monks House from 8-17th, with a Western Cattle Egret gracing Hollywell Pond and Druridge Pools. The month closed with a northbound adult Long-tailed Skua at Seaton Sluice on 29th, while a second-summer Caspian Gull visited Boulmer on 30th.

Red-backed Shrike, Holy Island, Northumberland (Stephen Tomlinson).

It was a quiet month for Durham, with the only real standout being a European Honey Buzzard photographed near Derwent Reservoir on 14th. A possible Temminck's Stint reported at Washington WWT on 22nd wouldn't be confirmed. 

A bumper month in Cleveland saw both Glossy Ibis and Caspian Tern star in the Tees Marshes. Up to three Glossy Ibises lingered throughout June at Saltholme RSPB. On 29th, a Caspian Tern was present intermittently at Dorman's Pool – the individual was likely one of the two present at Idle Washlands, Nottinghamshire, in previous days. The area hosted varying numbers of both Eurasian Spoonbills and Great Egrets throughout the month. Elsewhere, a first-summer Woodchat Shrike was well-received at Roxby Moor from 2-8th. Also on 2nd, a Pectoral Sandpiper was on the Wet Grassland at Saltholme RSPB. An Icterine Warbler was trapped and ringed at Hartlepool Headland on 4th but was not seen subsequent to release.

Caspian Tern, Dorman's Pool, Cleveland (Frank Golding).

Unseasonable visitors came in the form of a Russian White-fronted Goose at Saltholme RSPB from 17th, while two Red-breasted Geese of unknown origin appeared on Back Saltholme from 18th. On the unseasonable gull front there was a first-summer Iceland Gull at Hartlepool Headland on 28th. An all-too-brief Black Tern was at Dorman's Pool during the early morning of 23rd.

Andrew Kinghorn


North-West England

Cumbria had a quiet June, yet provided a great ambassador for #LocalBigYear by providing a great reminder what can be found in your on your own doorstep (literally). A male Common Rosefinch was a one-day visitor to a private garden in Low Row on 13th. Otherwise, a couple of Rosy Starlings were up for grabs: an adult was in a garden at Moorclose, Workington between 2-3rd and another in a garden at Kirkland between 9-10th.

Lancashire's month was plagued by European Bee-eater reports, with reports from four sites, it's possible it's the same touring birds. Firstly, two were reported over Brockholes LWT car park on 16th. One was reported from Lunt Meadows NR on 19th then again on 22nd with a flyover noted to the south at Walton the previous day. Finally, one was reported over Banks on 29th. Elsewhere the Mediterranean theme continued with brief Purple Heron at Lunt Meadows NR on 4th and a Red-rumped Swallow through Leighton Moss RSPB on 6th. Hazy photographs emerged of a plover on Birkdale beach taken on 15th, the bird looked a good bet for American Golden Plover, and a smart one too, but was never pinned down.  A Hooded Crow moved between Seaforth LWT and Crosby beach between 4-16th. Four Ruddy Shelduck at Rishton Reservoir on 20th provided some inland interest.

Lesser Scaup, Marshside, Lancashire (Steve Young).

2022 proved to be Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB's turn for hosting a White-winged Tern, after a three-year interim from the last. The bird spent just a couple of hours over the main scrape on 6th and wasn't relocated thereafter. It's pleasing to report that Woolston Eyes NR has recorded its most productive breeding season for Black-necked Grebe ever, with 19 broods located in total, with some 39 chicks between them, and still potential for a handful of second broods. Cheshire's Ruddy Shelduck scene remained focused on the Dee and Mersey, with a maximum count of seven on the Mersey off Hale on 17th. 

Wood Sandpiper, Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB, Cheshire (David Bradshaw).

A handful of Common Quail records were enough to keep Greater Manchester ticking over, but most newsworthy report came in the form of a Norfolk Hawker photographed at Amberswood Lake on 21st. 

Three Black Kite records came from the Isle of Man, the first was a belated report from Calf of Man on 31 May and again on 4th, with another in off the sea at Castletown on 22nd. Otherwise, the Calf of Man had a steady month, with Greenish Warbler on 4th, a singing male Common Rosefinch on 6th. A singing Blyth's Reed Warbler was at Point of Ayre on 8th.

Dan Owen


Lincolnshire and Yorkshire

The Grey Phalarope reported at Covenham Reservoir on the evening of 17th would likely have been Lincolnshire's monthly highlight had it lingered. In a similar vein, two Red-spotted Bluethroats on a vessel off the Lincs coast on 7th was gripping. Otherwise, scarce migrants included Marsh Warblers at Anderby Creek on 9th and Gibraltar Point NNR on 16th, a European Bee-eater at the latter site on 13th and another at Saltfleetby NNR on 15th. 'Gib' also produced Red-backed Shrike and Golden Oriole in the month. A respectable influx of Common Quail from mid-month saw no fewer than 13 recorded across the county.

Red-backed Shrike, Gibraltar Point NNR, Lincolnshire (Nige Lound).

In East Yorkshire, the Spurn area proved particularly busy. Highlights included a singing Blyth's Reed Warbler on 15th, Rosy Starling on 12th and Hoopoe on 6th, plus Red-backed Shrike, Icterine Warbler and European Bee-eater. A European Honey Buzzard flew south at Kilnsea Wetlands on 30th. Further up the coast, flyover European Serin and European Bee-eater were at Holmpton and Grimston respectively on 3rd. A Rosy Starling was in a Hull garden on 8th.

Flamborough Head also had a Rosy Starling (on 3rd), with Common Rosefinch, Red-backed Shrike and European Bee-eater among the other highlights. As well as Red-tailed Shrike and Black-browed Albatross, Bempton Cliffs RSPB produced Bluethroat, European Bee-eater and then an Alpine Swift on the final day of the month. Filey claimed the first UK juvenile Yellow-legged Gull of the year on the exceptionally early date of 26th.

Woodchat Shrike, Scaling Dam Reservoir, North Yorkshire (Christopher Bennett).

Scarborough, North Yorkshire, had a Rosy Starling on 10th, with a Woodchat Shrike at Scaling Dam Reservoir for a week from 2nd. The raptor viewpoint at Wykeham produced regular European Honey Buzzards and a singing Golden Oriole on 21st, the latter one of three in the area. A female Red-backed Shrike was near Malton on 7th, with a male at Burnsall on 9th. A Glossy Ibis was in the Ure valley.

In West Yorkshire, a Rosy Starling was near Marsden on 5-6th. Calder Wetlands was treated to a Purple Heron on 14th and at least 16 Eurasian Spoonbills were at Fairburn Ings RSPB. Few and far between this spring, a Black Tern at Skelton Lake on 6th was notable.

Black-winged Stilt, Potteric Carr YWT, South Yorkshire (Graeham Mounteney).

Joyous news from Potteric Carr YWT confirmed the successful nesting of Black-winged Stilt on the reserve, with four chicks seen regularly from mid-month. A Purple Heron was also there for a week from 8th. An Isle of Wight White-tailed Eagle was on the moors west of Stocksbridge, South Yorkshire, throughout, while a Eurasian Stone-curlew near South Anston on 15th was the first local record.

Josh Jones


West Midlands

Sandwell Valley RSPB, West Midlands, banked the region's undoubted highlight when the well-travelled White-tailed Lapwing put in the last appearance of its British tour on 1st. Otherwise, a Eurasian Spoonbill at Wednesbury was second-best, with a Grey Plover at Marsh Lane and two Sandwich Terns at Bartley Reservoir.

White-tailed Lapwing, Sandwell Valley RSPB, West Midlands (Jack Russell).

Ladywalk NR, Warwickshire, hosted an attractive male Little Bittern on 19-20th, while two Ruddy Shelduck appeared there from 24th. A respectable tally of five Wood Sandpipers graced Brandon Marsh on 18th, with a Black Tern there on 5th.

Little Bittern, Ladywalk NR (PERMIT ONLY), Warwickshire (Chris Waring).

In Staffordshire, the female Ferruginous Duck remained at Belvide Reservoir until 25th at least in what was another impressive month for one of the county's premier locations: a smart female Red-necked Phalarope visited on 13th, as did a Roseate Tern on 3rd and a Pectoral Sandpiper on 21st. Other additions to the site's roll call included a Little Tern, Kittiwake, Grey Plover, Ruddy Shelduck and Garganey.

Pectoral Sandpiper, Belvide Reservoir (PERMIT ONLY), Staffordshire (Steve Nuttall).

Middleton Lakes RSPB didn't fare too badly either, with a Wood Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Grey Plover, Sanderling, Sandwich Tern, Garganey and two Ruddy Shelduck all visiting during June. Further afield, Branston GPs hosted a Little Tern, two Ruddy Turnstones and a Sanderling, a Black-necked Grebe resided at Croxden Quarry on 19-20th, and Uttoxeter Quarry held a Grey Plover and Garganey. Another Little Tern was at Doxey Marshes, while a Common Quail sang at Hanchurch Woods and a possible Black Kite overflew Highgate Common.

Roseate Tern, Belvide Reservoir (PERMIT ONLY), Staffordshire (Steve Nuttall).

Two brief Sandwich Terns at Upper Bittell Reservoir on 18th were Worcestershire's best action of the month, supported by a Ruddy Turnstone and Whooper Swan at Clifton Pits. Elsewhere, a Channel Wagtail was at Shenstone, with a Sanderling at Upper Bittell Reservoir.

Sam Viles


East Midlands

Another sterling month for Nottinghamshire saw the discovery of no fewer than three new rarities – a popular Great Reed Warbler at Langford Lowfields RSPB from 4th and two Caspian Terns at Idle Washlands from 25th. A male Red-necked Phalarope played second fiddle at Idle Washlands, with two Wood Sandpipers, Ruddy Turnstone, Grey Plover, Sanderling, Black Tern and two Ruddy Shelduck also reported. Idle Valley NR held a Common Crane, Eurasian Spoonbill, Grey Plover and two Little Terns.

Great Reed Warbler, Langford Lowfields RSPB, Nottinghamshire (Tony Davison).

Elsewhere, a Eurasian Bittern overflew Silverhill Wood and a least two European Honey Buzzards clapped over Welbeck watchpoint, where a Black Tern was noted on 4th. On 16th, a probable male Red-footed Falcon was reported from both Coddington and Kirklington, while a ringtail harrier species flew over Clifton Pastures on 1st. A contentious first-summer Glaucous Gull (or hybrid) previously seen in Dorset commuted between Holme Pierrepont and Netherfield Lagoons. Both Black and Little Terns were the best of the rest at Holme Pierrepont. Common Quail included three at Gringley Carr, while both Wood Sandpiper and Red Knot were at Newstead and Annesley CP.

Black Tern, Holme Pierrepont, Nottinghamshire (Ian Livsey).

A quiet month for Leicestershire and Rutland saw, remarkably, reports received from just five sites. Quality made up a tad for quantity though – Blackbrook Reservoir held a Wood Sandpiper, up to two Common Scoter remained at Cossington Meadows and a Common Quail overflew Whetstone. At Rutland Water, two Little Terns briefly dropped in on 6th, with other highlights including a Black Tern, Eurasian Spoonbill, two Garganey and at least five Sanderling.

In Derbyshire, Golden Orioles were reported at Smalley on 3rd and Carsington Water on 5th. Carsington also hosted a Ruddy Shelduck and three Sanderling, with another Ruddy Shelduck at Kedleston Park. Common Quail sang at four sites, while four White Storks were photographed by a farmer near Ashbourne on 21st.

Ruddy Shelduck, Kedleston Park, Derbyshire (John Morris).

A European Bee-eater heard over Clifford Hill GPs on 21st was Northamptonshire's highlight, while a White-tailed Eagle flew east along the A14 at Naseby on 2nd. Three White Storks were at Summer Leys on 19th, with another lingering at Barnwell. Hollowell Reservoir hosted a Ruddy Shelduck, while an unseasonal Pink-footed Goose was at Irthlingborough Lakes. Summer Leys held a Garganey and a singing Common Quail was reported near Brafield-on-the-Green. A portlandica Arctic Tern visited Pitsford and Stanford Reservoirs on 12-13th.

Sam Viles


East of England

The standout news from Norfolk was the commencement of a breeding attempt by up to eight European Bee-eaters near Trimingham, where an RSPB watchpoint was set up and many hundreds had already visited by the month's end. Just as exciting for many Norfolk birders, however, was the return of European Honey Buzzards to the traditional location of Swanton Novers, where up to four birds could be seen – the first sightings here since 2018. In fact, it was a good month for both species across the county, with nine further records of the raptor and bee-eaters at 14 other sites.

European Bee-eater, Trimingham, Norfolk (David Carr).

It was otherwise a relatively steady month for scarcities, with four Red-backed Shrikes along the north coast including two different birds at Kelling, a Golden Oriole at Burnham Overy Dunes on 8th, three Marsh Warblers between Kelling and Sea Palling, Purple Heron at Potter Heigham Marshes on 6th, female Red-footed Falcon over Great Ryburgh on 2nd and, in the far west of the county, a brief Red-necked Phalarope at Welney WWT on 6th.

A female Red-footed Falcon was also seen in Suffolk, flying over Lakenheath Fen RSPB on 2nd, plus European Honey Buzzard and White Stork there on 12th and a European Bee-eater over nearby Barnham on 28th. Other bee-eaters overflew Aldeburgh (two) on 12th, Felixstowe (three) on 14th, Landguard NR on 18th and Mutford on 21st. Minsmere RSPB also had one on 6th, with the flagship reserve also hosting Purple Heron, Golden Oriole and European Honey Buzzard – plus a Caspian Tern on 25-26th. A brief male Red-backed Shrike was at Ness Point, Lowestoft, on 30th, while a Hoopoe visited a garden in Levington on 13th.

Glossy Ibis, Minsmere RSPB, Suffolk (David Naylor).

One of the few exceptions to a largely quiet month in Essex was a pair of Black-winged Stilts flying east along the Colne Valley at White Colne on 13th. An Alpine Swift over Langdon Hills on 18th proved similarly fleeting, although a Golden Oriole lingered at The Naze for several days from 21st. A White Stork at Abberton Reservoir on 2nd was unringed. Unseasonal records included the Black Guillemot again off Gunners Park on 9th and a Russian White-fronted Goose at Abberton.

Hoopoe, Hinxworth, Hertfordshire (Mark Rayment).

Hertfordshire's clear highlight was a Hoopoe at Hinxworth, which gave excellent views for six days from 21st. Tyttenhanger GPs attracted a Little Stint on 5th, while Common Quail were at three sites. Quail were at two Bedfordshire localities, with that county also hosting Black Tern and limosa Black-tailed Godwit at Broom GPs on 5th and 6-12th respectively.

With little else doing for long periods, it was the lingering White Stork at Smithy Fen, Cambridgeshire, that proved one of the county's – if not country's – most popular birds in June. At least a dozen Glossy Ibises were in the Ouse Washes area, with Common Quail singing at five sites. Little Terns were at Grafham Water on three dates, with a female Lesser Scaup there on 2nd.

Josh Jones

South-East England

The early part of the month was relatively lively in the region but, generally, it was a quiet June, and this was reflected in the line-up of national rarities. Most involved lingering birds: the Eleonora's Falcon was last seen in Kent on 4th; the Hampshire Iberian Chiffchaff stuck around until 5th while the London bird stayed put all month, seemingly breeding successfully with a female collybita. The only new rarities were a Caspian Tern at Dungeness, Kent, on 25th and a Black Stork over Brighton, Sussex, on 10th.

Eleonora's Falcon, Worth Marsh, Kent (Sam Viles).

Dungeness was treated to a Hippolais brace: an Icterine Warbler that was trapped and ringed on 2nd and a singing Melodious Warbler on 16th. A Common Rosefinch at North Foreland on 18th was perhaps pick of the scarce for Kent, though a Rosy Starling at Seasalter on 12th was good value given the average spring for this species this year. Golden Oriole continued their impressive 2022 showing with four locales recording birds, Black Kites were reported at four sites and both European Bee-eater and European Serin graced two locations. A Marsh Warbler was at Abbott's Cliff on 1st and the Worth Red-footed Falcon was present until 4th. A female Red-necked Phalarope at Elmley proved popular on 14th, the drake Ring-necked Duck lingered at Dungeness until 10th and two Black-winged Stilts graced Stodmarsh on 2nd. It was a brilliant month for European Honey Buzzards too, especially in the west of the county. Two Russian White-fronted Geese past Dunge was a curious record on 10th, Glossy Ibises were at two sites and four Common Quail were noted.

As many as three Rosy Starlings were present in East Sussex between 10-18th, with Beckley, Brede Levels and Rye all getting in on the act – two of the records involved birds in private gardens. Beachy Head hosted a Golden Oriole on 8th and another was reported at Pulborough Brooks from 17-18th. A Hoopoe was at Shoreham-by-Sea on 2nd, with another at Church Norton from 24-25th. Ashburnham Forge and Medmerry scored Common Quail and the Rye Harbour Black-necked Grebe was present all month.

Rosy Starling, Brede Levels, East Sussex (Mark Tomlins).

A singing Corncrake at Chilbolton, Hampshire, was an excellent South-East record on 7th, and only the second spring occurrence in the county since 1976. Fawley hosted a Rosy Starling on 1st and a Black Kite flew over East Boldre on 15th. Four sites were visited by Glossy Ibis, two Roseate Terns were at Hill Head on 24th and the only Common Quail was at Plastow Green from 4-7th.

Berkshire had a quiet month, with a Common Quail at Crookham Common of note on 26th. It was similarly steady in Oxfordshire which also scored one quail: at Aston Rowant on 1st. Buckinghamshire fared better, with a female Red-backed Shrike at Floodplain Forest on 14th proving popular. Both Ivinghoe Beacon and Whaddon hosted Common Quail.

Red-backed Shrike, Floodplain Forest NR, Buckinghamshire (Mike Haberfield).

A rather brief Purple Heron was a smart find at Beddington Farmlands, London, on 5th; a female-type Golden Oriole at Rainham Marshes on 18th was similarly fleeting. Elsewhere in the capital, a Glossy Ibis flew over Walthamstow Marshes on 1st and a Common Quail was flushed at Harmondsworth on 28th.

Lesser Yellowlegs, Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir, Surrey (Chris Turner).

Surrey's second Lesser Yellowlegs – and first since 1984 – was a surprise at the private Queen Elizabeth II Reservoir on 2nd. Amazingly the same bird was photographed at Frankfield Loch, Clyde, two days later. The county's first Icterine Warbler for 35 years was unfortunately only seen by one person on 3rd. A Rosy Starling was reported in Woking on 19th, Common Quail were at Burgh Heath and Tadworth and a sadly moribund Northern Gannet was at Glebe Lake on 22nd.

Ed Stubbs


South-West England

On 25th, vague news emerged of a White-crowned Sparrow seen in a garden in Ivybridge, Devon, some time 'recently', which no doubt frustrated local birders. Nanjizal Valley sported a female Rustic Bunting just for a day on 3rd, then hosted an Icterine Warbler on 22nd. Lundy provided an excellent bird for the region with a Thrush Nightingale on 3rd, while another regional highlight was the returning territorial male White-spotted Bluethroat at Slimbridge WWT, Gloucestershire, from 21st, though good views required patience.

Sketchy news emerged of a fly-over European Roller between Porth Navas and Lamanva, Cornwall, on 2nd. This was followed by a very out-of-the-blue and fleeting reappearance of the bird at Praze-an-Beeble on 10th. Over-flying European Bee-eaters tailed off after the good numbers in May but singles were reported from Portland, Dorset, on 3rd and Troon, Cornwall, on 8th. Two were near Nailsa, Somerset, on 6th.

Rosy Starling, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly (Kris Webb).

Up to eight Rosy Starlings (including an incredible record of a juvenile on St Agnes on 27th) and three Golden Orioles were on Scilly. Tresco bagged a Red-rumped Swallow on 15th. Another Golden Oriole was logged at Kynance Cove, Cornwall, on 1st. Cornwall, Dorset and Devon chipped in with two more Rosy Starlings each. Wiltshire added another, at Purton on 28th.

The first Wilson's Storm Petrel in Britain and Ireland this year was photographed on a Scilly pelagic on the evening of 6th, followed by a single on 21st and two on 27th, when eight Cory's Shearwaters added to the trip's haul. The latter species began appearing off the Devon and Cornwall coast on 24th, with 87 passing Porthgwarra on 27th. Portland, Dorset, got in on the action with a single Cory's on 28th. Balearic and Sooty Shearwaters also appeared in fair numbers towards the end of the month, adding to seawatch tallies.

Cory's Shearwater, Scilly pelagic, Isles of Scilly (Joe Pender).

An adult Sabine's Gull off Porthgwarra on 26th was another seawatching highlight, though a Fea's-type petrel that day couldn't be clinched. A Roseate Tern passed Start Point, Devon, on 9th, with an adult Long-tailed Skua off there on 28th.

A male Little Bittern performed at Porth Hellick Pool on St Mary's, Scilly, from 4-13th, with a Black-crowned Night Heron also on the island the day it arrived. Another Little Bittern along the River Otter on 9th was only put out two days later.

Little Bittern, St Mary's, Isles of Scilly (Ashley Fisher).

In Cornwall, a Black Kite flew east over the campsite at Gwithian on 2nd (before apparently being seen again over Godrevy Point five days later), and a male Red-footed Falcon headed north over Nanjizal on 5th. A male Red-foot over Trevellas, Cornwall, on 8th could have been the same unsettled bird and a first-summer male drifted west over Hartland, Devon, on 4th. Another Cornish Black Kite sighting came from Ludgvan, Cornwall, on 22nd, while there were three separate reports from Devon during the month.

Roseate Tern, Brownsea Island NT, Dorset (Isaiah Volacek-Rowe).

Abbotsbury Swannery, Dorset, provided a rest stop for a Gull-billed Tern on 1st, starting June off nicely for the county. Up to three Roseate Terns appeared on the lagoon on Brownsea Island, Dorset, over the course of the month. After a long absence, it returned on 9th. Somewhat out of season, a Tundra Bean Goose grazed with Greylag Geese at Darts Farm RSPB, Devon, from 26-29th. Also in Devon, an Iceland Gull at Seaton on 3rd was almost as unexpected.

Collared Pratincole, Horsey Island, Devon (Martin Bennett).

Spring Red-necked Phalaropes are a very rare treat on Scilly, so it was a shame the bird which circled Porth Hellick, St Mary's, on 8th didn't drop in for longer. Cornish birders were delighted with the smart Pacific Golden Plover at Stithians Reservoir on 15-16th, while Devon couldn't complain with a Collared Pratincole at Horsey Island on 6-13th. Back on Scilly, a Temminck's Stint spent 8-9th on Tresco and a Eurasian Stone-curlew ranged around St Agnes on 15th. A light scattering of other waders in the region included Curlew Sandpipers in Devon and Somerset, a Little Stint in Gloucestershire and a small number of Wood Sandpipers.

David Campbell



The nation's star turn in a pleasantly warm month was a White-throated Sparrow, which was filmed and photographed in a private Porthcawl, Glamorgan, garden late on 25th. A county first, it is just the fourth for Wales and the first since another one-day example on a near-identical date in 2020 – at Cwrtnewydd, Ceredigion, on 24 June.

White-throated Sparrow, Porthcawl, Glamorgan (E Hanna).

A BioBlitz at Llanmadoc, Glamorgan, on 28th scored what would have proved the country's biggest find if confirmed– a distant candidate for a Brown Booby heading south during a morning seawatch, while a Sooty Shearwater was seen during another vigil that evening.

No fewer than seven Welsh Rosy Starlings graced the airwaves during June – at Abergwili, Carmarthen, Borth, Ceredigion, Llanfechell, Anglesey, Llandudno Junction, Conwy, and both Bridgend and Cwmbach, Glamorgan.

Rosy Starling, Conwy, Conwy (Keith Mallett).

An exceptional 'fall' on Bardsey Island, Gwynedd, on 2nd saw a singing male Thrush Nightingale unearthed alongside a Golden Oriole, Red-spotted Bluethroat, European Turtle Dove and Wood Warbler. Otherwise, a different Golden Oriole was discovered on 4th – the island's third of the year – a Marsh Warbler sang on 6th and a Siberian Chiffchaff lingered.

Thrush Nightingale, Bardsey Island, Gwynedd (Edward Betteridge).

On Skokholm, Pembrokeshire, the island's tenth Pectoral Sandpiper in 12 years highlighted on 2nd, with a Grey-headed Wagtail there on 6th and a Snow Bunting on 9th.

On 18th, an unidentified grey shrike species was reported at Marloes Mere, Pembrokeshire. Elsewhere, European Turtle Doves were logged at Cilcennin, Ceredigion, and Bancyfelin, Carmarthen, and Black Redstarts were at four sites. Hooded Crows were in Clwyd, Anglesey, Conwy and Gwynedd, while Cors Ddyga RSPB, Anglesey, hosted a singing Common Quail.

Red-spotted Bluethroat, Bardsey Island, Gwynedd (Edward Betteridge).

Kenfig NNR, Glamorgan, was treated to a popular female Kentish Plover on 1-2nd; a brief individual at Broughton Bay late on 8th was perhaps the same bird relocating. Curlew Sandpipers were at Teifi Estuary, Ceredigion, Goldcliff Pools, Gwent, and Foryd Bay, Gwynedd, with Little Stints at both Ynyslas, Ceredigion, and Goldcliff Pools, Gwent. A Wood Sandpiper was at Burton Mere Wetlands RSPB, Clwyd.

A Ruddy Shelduck was at Dolymynach Reservoir, Powys, on 25th and an unseasonal Whooper Swan resided at Porthmadog, Gwynedd. Three Long-tailed Duck off Black Rock Sands, Gwynedd, on 2nd included a single drake, presumably resplendent in its summer dress.

Pectoral Sandpiper, Skokholm, Pembrokeshire (Richard Brown / Skokholm Warden).

Two Roseate Terns proved reliable at Cemlyn Bay, Anglesey, throughout, with a Black Tern present on 15-16th. Another Roseate was reported at Marloes, Pembrokeshire, on 4th, with a reported Ring-billed Gull at Mumbles Head, Glamorgan, on 8th.

Sam Viles



A fantastic month across Ireland was arguably highlighted by the return of the Least Tern to Co Dublin, although chastening belated news emerged in early July of a male Eastern Black-eared Wheatear at Cliffs of Moher, Co Clare, on 16th. Other headline records included Black-winged Stilt at Muckrush, Co Galway, Gull-billed Tern at Tacumshin, Co Wexford, and the continuing Squacco Heron at White's Marsh, Co Cork, to 8th.

Least Tern, Portrane Point, Dublin (Paul Lynch).

There was plenty of early promise on the seawatching front, with 28th producing the best day. Co Cork unsusprisingly prospered the most, with 617 Cory's Shearwaters passing Galley Head (and 104 past Cape Clear in just over an hour). Galley also produced unusual June totals of seven Great and 230 Sooty Shearwaters, 10 Sabine's Gulls and eight Long-tailed Skuas.

Up to four American Wigeon were reported at Lough Beg, Co Antrim, with a female Smew also there. A male Ring-necked Duck was on Achill Island, Co Mayo, throughout the month, with another at Oxford Island NNR, Co Armagh, on 4th.

American Golden Plover, Tacumshin, Wexford (Brian McCloskey).

A fine White-rumped Sandpiper spent five days at Tacumshin, Co Wexford, from 2nd, with the legendary site also producing two different American Golden Plovers. A Buff-breasted Sandpiper visited Lough Beg, Co Londonderry, on 24th; a White Stork was photographed at an undisclosed site during the month.

Three Ring-billed Gulls – all first-summers – were noted in June, with birds in Co Clare, Co Mayo and Co Louth. A Black Tern visited Blanket Nook, Co Donegal, on 7th.

Single Rosy Starlings were noted in Co Antrim and Co Donegal mid-month, the latter county also producing a rare Irish Grey-headed Wagtail on Inishtrahull on 12th (another was at Garretstown, Co Cork, on 18th). A good month for European Turtle Dove records saw birds reported from seven counties, while there were also a couple of singing Golden Orioles – in Cork and Dublin cities on 2nd and 7th respectively.

European Turtle Dove, Annestown, Waterford (Brian McCloskey).

The rather sad tale of a male Common Rosefinch emerged mid-month. Having been caught by a cat and saved at Ballycotton, Co Cork, on 5th, the bird was then released and flew into a window, dying on impact. It transpired to be wearing a ring that revealed it to be a bird that had been ringed as an adult male on Skokholm, Pembrokeshire, in May 2021.

Josh Jones

Written by: BirdGuides news team