
Helmetcrest splits

The hummingbird White-bearded Helmetcrest has just been split from Bearded, along with three other new species. Image: Émile Parzudaki (commons.wikimedia.org).
The hummingbird White-bearded Helmetcrest has just been split from Bearded, along with three other new species. Image: Émile Parzudaki (commons.wikimedia.org).

In accordance with the notion that the South American avifauna is well over-lumped, a widespread hummingbird species has now been split into four.

Already designated separate English and scientific subspecific names, and generally accepted to be three species by BirdLife International and others already, Bearded Helmetcrest Oxypogon guerinii has become: Blue-bearded O cyanolaemus (Sierra Nevada de Santa Maria, Colombia), White-bearded lindenii (Venezuelan Andes), Green-bearded guerinii (eastern Colombian Andes) and Buffy stubelii (central Colombian Andes) Helmetcrests. The taxa had already been split by BirdLife International under regional names earlier in 2013.

Collar, N J, and Salaman, P. 2013. The taxonomic and conservation status of the Oxypogon helmetcrests. Taxonomia y estado de conservacion de Oxypogon guerinii. Conservación Colombiana 19: 31-38.